
Showing posts from August, 2022

Working from Home; is it Easier?

Today, many people earn through online channels or through freelance work by working from home. Especially in COVID, it became the norm for numerous organizations to hire freelancers for different services, i.e. content writing, marketing, designing etc. Simultaneously many people have made it their primary profession by earning a sufficient amount of living through working online and freelance job opportunities. However, a number of people take it as a side income and work whenever it is easier for them to find time for it with their office-based jobs. Working from home may seem like a relatively easier way, but in reality, it is something that needs a lot of motivation to work from your own bedroom. Apart from the personal drive, working from home needs you to be on your toes 24/7 as you can get any gig at any time and at the same time, your clients can call you in the middle of the night from another corner of the world to make some changes in the work that you thought you are done

Rise of Individualism

  What really is expected of globalization is the collective cooperation of large groups of people and having intertwined lives, but liberalism being the byproduct of globalization along with extremely soaring competition, has resulted in the acceleration of individualism. Liberalism gives you freedom of choice and being in collective societies; people tend to compromise on their own dreams at times to think about the collective future of their clan or family. At the same time, extreme competition makes people think about their personal hard work and then the reward they are going to get out of it. It leads to the increase in an individualistic society where people prefer to live on their own and do not want to bother others. This wave has been very evident in the West for half a century, but it is now making its way into the Eastern societies, where there have been strong cultural values and religious influence. The joint family system is not a preferable mode of living for the millen

I miss youu..

Nothing stopped when she left the world. I am sitting at the exact same place where she spent her last days. Today, I cannot find any trace of her here except my memory of seeing her here. When she left, we cried. Everyone had tears in their eyes, but after some time, everyone at home had something to do, i.e. calling relatives to inform them about the death, clearing the space at home to arrange for the guests who were to arrive shortly, clearing the room to put the dead body for the night and to check the food in the kitchen for the guests. Tears were wiped shortly because there was no room for them. Life continued right after she took her last breath. Nothing changed in the world apparently, especially from a distance. If someone new to watch the surrounding of this house after a few hours, that person would probably not know that we are mourning because we are not given the time to mourn. Perhaps no one is given the time to mourn because life never stops for anyone. You have thousa