Working from Home; is it Easier?

Today, many people earn through online channels or through freelance work by working from home. Especially in COVID, it became the norm for numerous organizations to hire freelancers for different services, i.e. content writing, marketing, designing etc. Simultaneously many people have made it their primary profession by earning a sufficient amount of living through working online and freelance job opportunities. However, a number of people take it as a side income and work whenever it is easier for them to find time for it with their office-based jobs. Working from home may seem like a relatively easier way, but in reality, it is something that needs a lot of motivation to work from your own bedroom. Apart from the personal drive, working from home needs you to be on your toes 24/7 as you can get any gig at any time and at the same time, your clients can call you in the middle of the night from another corner of the world to make some changes in the work that you thought you are done with. While people who have office jobs have fixed office hours but freelancers do not have any hours, it becomes extremely difficult to take time for yourself or achieve a work-life balance. For example, you are in the middle of a friend gathering, and your phone rings and upon checking, you find a message from a client that he wants something in a couple of hours or else your whole project will be refunded. You will not have any other option than to cut your meeting short and rush to your laptop to get the work done. In any way, I am not discrediting anyone who has other major issues while doing an office-based job, but I want to emphasize the fact that earning in any way is not easy. It is true that the grass is always greener on the other side, and people sometimes cannot understand someone else's struggle while getting validation for their own struggle. What really needs to be understood is the fact that earning a living is not easy; it always requires hard work, motivation and continuous struggle. However, being a freelancer, I would like to share some tips for maintaining a work-life balance for people who work from home. 

  • Always define your work hours; 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. Do not accept work other than your working hours. 
  • Set a working space in your home which will help in concentrating on work during working hours. 
  •  Turn off the phone at night to get steady sleep. 
  • Get ready or get fresh when you are about to start work. 
  • Get out of home for an evening or morning walk. 
  • Give yourself a break after 10 days, i.e. to get out or to hang out with friends for a whole day. 


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